Who We Can Help

We change lives for a living.

Who can BrainRx help? People of all ages!

BrainRx brain training can help:

  • struggling students
  • average/good students wanting to do better
  • children or adults diagnosed with attention issues or ADD/ADHD
  • children or adults diagnosed with a learning disability
  • career adults wanting to get ahead
  • senior adults wanting to stay sharp
  • victims of stroke or TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury)
  • autism
  • dyslexia
  • athletes

The first step you need to take  is to schedule a Cognitive Skills Assessment

Why?  We use the Cognitive Skills Assessment to identify and measure your specific cognitive strengths and weaknesses, and to identify the best BrainRx program to target and train any cognitive weaknesses.

Taking the assessment does not obligate you to sign up for a BrainRx brain training program and, in fact, will provide you with helpful information whether or not you decide to pursue brain training. After taking the assessment, many families report experiencing an “Aha!” moment as they gain insights into the cause of the challenges that have been impacting daily life.

Address: 85 Wit Renoster Street
South Africa
Email: [email protected]
Phone: +27123451541
Mobile: (+27) 82 4488 221